Sunday, August 7, 2011

Christine (late 20s)

Christine was sitting at a bus stop waiting for her bus to arrive.  Dave & I approached her and asked if she'd have time to do a brief questionnaire.

"What kind of questionnaire?"

"We're from a group called New City Church and we're doing informal spiritual questionnaires getting a snapshot of people's spiritual beliefs and opinions.  Would you be up for it?  You can answer as many or as few as you want."

She said she'd be fine to do it until her bus arrived.

When asked about her spiritual background, she said she had none.  "Nothing."

"Nothing?" I asked.

"No.  Nothing."

"What words would you use to describe religion or spirituality?"

She answered, "Well, I have some friends who are Christians...I would say hope, guidance."

"What do you think about your friends?  Are they legit in their beliefs?  I mean, are they sincere?  Do they seem to take it seriously?"  She nodded in approval.

"If you could ask God one question, what would it be?"  She paused for a moment, then began to shake her head slowly.   "I don't know."

"Anything about the meaning of life?  What's your purpose?"  She just shook her head slowly while her eyes seemed to say she was looking for something to say.

Christine said she really didn't believe in a heaven, and that she really didn't believe in anything at all.

Knowing that our time was limited and her bus would arrive at any moment, I gave her a booklet on Christianity and asked her if she'd be willing to read it.  It might give her some things to think about.   She said, "Sure," and we thanked her for her time & kindness in answering our questions, and we shook hands.

As we walked away, Dave & I expressed hope that the Christian friends in Christine's life would be able to communicate the Gospel to her in winsome ways.

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).
Because Lord Jesus, You came into the world to seek and save the lost, I plead with you to save Christine who is lost and far away from You. 

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